How do I get a sale on eBay?

How do I get a sale on eBay?

How do I get a sale on eBay?

This article is meant to support resellers who have already added a product from Lovd to eBay. If you need help doing that, click here.

Selling an item on eBay can be a relatively simple process. Since Lovd handles that creation of the product, you need to focus on marketing the product. Here are the general steps to get started:

  1. Set a price for your item. This is the most important step. You want to search the item on eBay to make sure that your product is competitively priced.
  2. Determine your shipping options and costs. All of the costs of products on Lovd have shipping included. In some situations you may need to add a shipping fee to make a profit on the sale, but we recommend offering free shipping as most eBay buyers expect free shipping.
  3. Promote your listing. We recommend using eBay’s promotional tools to get your listing to the top of the search results. You do not need to use eBay’s recommended rate. You should maximize the promotion such that you still make profit on the sale but are selling the item quickly.
  4. Get great reviews from customers. Like in most of ecommerce, having good reviews is critical for getting sales. If you are new to eBay, we recommend pricing items more aggressively to get a few reviews quickly.

Once your listing is live, be sure to monitor it for questions from potential buyers and promptly ship any items that sell.